Sustainable Projects

The Energy Transition

Advanced solutions for the sustainable energy market

The Energy Transition

Advanced solutions for the sustainable energy market

We are recognized leaders in providing innovative energy solutions for facilities around the world. We specialize in engineering and design, fabrication, manufacturing, and installation of custom facilities that consistently meet and exceed customer expectations.

The implementation of industry-leading emissions reduction technology and procedures in all our facilities demonstrates our commitment to decreasing waste and leading the way in sustainable energy development.

Our Net Zero strategy helps our customers meet their scope 1 and scope 2 emission reduction goals by deploying a variety of emission reduction technologies to existing or new energy processing facilities.

From individual components to full operation turnkey facilities, TDE will work with you in developing a Net Zero [plan/trajectory] optimized for your unique site design and operating conditions.

Transitional Energy and Sustainability Projects


Reducing carbon emissions is an advantage for any project for multitude of reasons ranging from environmental stewardship, public relations and image maintenance, to minimizing fines and taxes associated with emissions; there is …


Carbon free fuel sources are inevitably becoming a component of the world’s energy future. Leading this energy movement is utilization of hydrogen either as a fuel source directly or blending hydrogen to reduce the carbon intensity of other fuel sources. TDE’s focus is on generation, …

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TDE is proud to offer a comprehensive service suite for the helium recovery industry, including engineering, project development, fabrication, modularization, delivery, and construction.

Photobioreactor in Algae fuel biofuel industry, sustainable energy concept


TDE recognizes the most important resources that we have is our planet. As such in 1993 TDE founded TDEnviro to develop solutions and advancements aimed at soil reclamation, emissions reductions, and development of technology for alternative energy. TDE utilizes our …


Not only are plant emissions an environmental liability they are a lost revenue stream. TDE has designed and built modularized packages which are currently capturing flared and vented rich gas streams around the world. These packages process the waste gas to recover the liquids and generate …


Due to increasing costs associated with carbon emissions there is a growing business case to develop a well considered energy strategy for brown and greenfield facilities. This strategy could consider any number of solutions such as: replacing older fossil fuel driven power generation equipment …


Technology associated with energy storage is quickly evolving; whether you’re looking to take advantage of cost of energy fluctuations or if there are significant variations in the energy demand of an asset there is an opportunity to develop an energy storage and utilization strategy.


Often one of the most difficult problems in facility design is how to deal with water. Whether the problem is around the treatment and disposal of produced or wastewater streams or maintaining a reliable and adequate source of make-up or process water the challenges are very real. …


TDE’s extensive experience supplying equipment in remote areas has driven the development of our power generation, transmission and distribution business. Whether the project drivers to generate onsite power are due to remote locations and lack of available infrastructure or based on optimizing …

green grass field and bright blue sky.


Our Net Zero strategy helps our customers meet their scope 1 and scope 2 emission reduction goals by deploying a variety of emission reduction technologies to existing or new energy processing facilities.

have a project you'd like to discuss?

get in touch.


1424 70th Ave.
Edmonton, Alberta
Canada T6P 1P5

Telephone 780.440.6064


Thermo Design Engineering
Box 5557 SECSC
Edmonton, Alberta
T6E 6P8